

Podsights is a platform that helps marketers understand the effect of podcast advertising on their business goals. Discover podcasts that align with your brand, plan campaigns, and measure performance of podcast ads.

Why Podsights + MetaRouter

Send a real-time customer data stream, including website conversions, to Podsights so that their platform measure campaign performance with the highest-quality data stream possible. MetaRouter's first-party, server-side integration tracks more data in a more secure and compliant way- all without the use of third-party tags.


Get a step-by-step guide on how to setup this integration

Benefits of Using
with MetaRouter
  • Send conversion measurement data to Podsights without third-party tags
  • Up to 30% more data- including conversions- tracked compared to third-party tags
  • All customer data events and attributes unlocked for custom event mapping and transformation
  • No effect on website load latency

Take Control of Your Customer Data

Book a Personalized demo to see how you can gain full control over your own customer data.