Partnership Management


HubSpot is a CRM platform that helps clients integrate all they need for marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.

Why HubSpot + MetaRouter

The MetaRouter integration with HubSpot allows clients to integrate the custom behavioral events API and send custom events to HubSpot. With the inclusion of the HubSpot sync, MetaRouter also drops the HubSpot tag on the site to gather HubSpot cookies, which are stored and passed along with events. This allows customers to pass both e-mails and the HubSpot cookie for tracking and event attribution.


Get a step-by-step guide on how to setup this integration

Benefits of Using
with MetaRouter
  • Send customer data to Hubspot
  • Up to 30% more data tracked compared to third-party tags, enhancing personalization data & opportunities
  • All customer data events and attributes unlocked for custom event mapping and transformation
  • No effect on website load latency

Take Control of Your Customer Data

Book a Personalized demo to see how you can gain full control over your own customer data.